Wednesday, October 10, 2007

AFA Alert [insert 1950s Commie bomb warning sound here]

The latest email from the AFA: "Big Media Ignores San Francisco Homosexual Event"

Hmmm, so why, exactly, is the AFA bringing it to attention? If the point is to mock how no major media sources covered the event, then why are they instead bringing it more publicity?

The article states:

"Recently, homosexuals in San Francisco celebrated an event called the Folsom Street Fair. The organizing group claimed that 400,000 people attended the event.
The purpose of the fair was to celebrate "leather pride", a euphemism for homosexuals who indulge in sadomasochism, often called S&M. These people enjoy bondage, whipping, spanking and other perverted sexual practices.
People who attended the event reported that police backed off while the party-goers practiced oral sex, nudity, masturbation, and orgies in public.
My purpose in writing is to let you know that not a single Big Media outlet reported the event. Can you imagine another event, of any kind, which draws 400,000 people not getting a single minute or a single mention from Big Media? Let Fred Phelps, who complains about homosexuals, show up somewhere and Big Media is all over him.
But let 400,000 people celebrate getting sexual kicks from inflicting physical pain on another person and Big Media can’t be found.
I encourage you to read the two articles so you can better understand the situation. Big Media, heavy promoters of the homosexual lifestyle, decided that any reporting on this event would hurt the homosexual agenda. Test Big Media not only by how they report the news, but also judge them by what they refuse to report."

Ohhhhh, so that's the reason they are writing about it. Alright, mmkay.

My favorite part about all this is that the email includes a link to photos from the event. (stating: "By clicking the link below, you are agreeing to leave the American Family Association website to view disgusting photos of the Folsom Street Fair event. These photos are provided forverificatons purposes only.")

Instead, I'll wager $50 that the AFA just provided mounds of Prime Masturbation Material for many of the Fundie men that read it.


John said...

Reminds me of the hullabaloo over the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog.

Were it not for the AFA, I would never have heard about the controversy.

Jane Know said...

I know... they sure pick the strangest battles in their "war."

I'm beginning to wonder if the AFA has any true members, or if they are all fake members like me who want a daily laugh.